In the event of crisis when I cannot be reached:
- Call the 24-hour hotline for help: (512) 472-HELP (472-4357)
- Call 911
- Go to your local emergency room
- Anxiety: Managing Your Anxiety McCullough and Mann
- Bipolar: The Bipolar Survival Guide
- Chronic Illness: Be Sick Well Kane
- Couples: Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work Gottman
- Depression:
- Feeling Good Burns
- The Mindful Way Through Depression Tinsdale, Siegel
- Family Systems: The Dance of Anger Lerner
- Grief: Healing After Loss Hickman
- High Sensitivity:
- The Highly Sensitive Person Aaron
- The Drama of the Gifted Child Miller
- Meditation:
- Mindfulness: The Mindful Brain Siegel
- Parenting: Parenting from the Inside Out Siegel and Hartzell
- Temperament: Please Understand Me Keirsey and Bates
- Trauma: The Body Keeps the Score van der Kolk